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Progettista di Automazione - Software PLC

Ubicación: Travagliato (BS) - Italy


Automation designer - PLC software

The position, within the Technical Structure, will report directly to the SW Technical Department Manager and will be responsible for PLC software design and development, commissioning and testing on site and at the customer's premises, support for production start-up and after-sales service.


The ideal candidate has a technical qualification, diploma or a three-year degree or master's degree in automation, electrical or electronic engineering.
Previous experience, even brief, in software development and industrial machine installation is welcome, but applications without this requirement will also be evaluated.
A good knowledge of PLC programming logic in a Siemens environment, experience in the use and programming of industrial robots, and knowledge of English complete the ideal profile.
Availability for national and foreign travel.

This position is open to candidates of any gender (Italian Law 903/77).

Compensation and benefits
Compensation and benefits will be related to the effective experience of the candidate.


  1. Biografía
  2. Experiencia
  3. Competencias
Información personal
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Domicilio habitual (Si es diferente de la dirección)
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Carrera escolar
Carrera profesional
Competencias informáticas
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