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MARPOSS presents i-Wave, the newest wireless device of the well-known Wave gauge line. It is an electronic interface handle accomodating any mechanical gauge head featuring standard M10, M6 or M3,5 thread (or any other upon request), such as:

  • Marposs M1Star MBG plug heads and any existing plug head on the market
  • Marposs M3Star snap heads and rings
  • Depth gauges
  • Sweep Gauges
  • Gauges for chamfers, spot-facings, countersinks
  • And many more....

transmitting the measuring value to the electronic display unit by means of the Bluetooth® transmission technology.

Main features of i-Wave are the following:

  • Quick retooling: the innovative StarLock locking device allows gauge head changeover in just few seconds, without need of any tool.
  • Power supply and management: standard "c" alkaline batteries allow over 220 hours continuous working time. The battery life can be further increased by means of the programmable auto-shutdown function, reaching several months in normal operating conditions. The i-Wave is also available with inductive recharging technology (Li-Ion battery-pack), allowing approx. 40 hours continuous working time. The battery charger can be provided either as "clamp on" or "bench" version. Full recharge is reached in 5-6 hours, while 80% is reached in just 2 hours. Even this version features the auto-shutdown function.
  • Protection level : i-Wave has been specifically developed to work in the most severe workshop conditions. Its rugged design guarantees a very high level of protection against coolants and dust.
  • Transmission technology: the measuring value is transmitted, using the Bluetooth® protocol, to a max. distance of 10 m in a safe and reliable way. By simply pushing the button on board the device communicates in real time with the electronic display, showing the acquired value. The same button allows to carry out several functions, i.e. measurement acquisition and control of advanced cycles and guided sequences.

The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth SIG Inc. and any use of such marks by Marposs is under license.
Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.

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