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Assistent / Sachbearbeiter (m/w/d) - Teilzeit (25 - 30 Std./Woche)

Sede: Hannover - Germania


Assistant / Consultant (m/f/d)

- Part-time (25 - 30 hours per week) -


What awaits you  / Key responsiblities

  • As an assistant you support and relieve our regional office manager as well as our sales and service employees organizationally and administratively in the daily business: with the scheduling, the organization and accounting of trips, mail processing, material procurement, administration of the filing system

  • In cooperation with our sales department, you will prepare quotations for our customers and enter incoming customer orders in our ERP system

  • You will be involved in the preparation of presentation documents for our customers

  • You will also be responsible for preparing documents for statistics, planning and inventories

  • You will use your technical skills to provide information by telephone and in writing.


What you bring with you / Your profile

  • You have successfully completed your vocational training in the commercial field or have a comparable qualification and meet the necessary requirements

  • You already have professional experience in a comparable position - ideally in a technically oriented company.
  • Your


  1. Bio
  2. Esperienza
  3. Competenze
Dati personali
campo obbligatorio
campo obbligatorio
campo obbligatorio
campo obbligatorio
campo obbligatorio
campo obbligatorio
campo obbligatorio
Domicilio (se diverso dalla residenza)
campo obbligatorio
campo obbligatorio
campo obbligatorio
Curriculum scolastico
Curriculum professionale
Conoscenze informatiche
Altre informazioni

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