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LT-H Leak Test-Helium


The HeTECH/Marposs testing systems have been designed for automatic testing and using the vacuum-pressure technique with helium as a tracer gas to search for leaks in the battery cooling plates.

LT-H Leak Test-Helium

The dimensions and flatness of the battery cooling plates are the main characteristics to which the machine design refers:

• although the testing tooling is suitable for the size of the piece, it is designed to reduce the volume of the chamber as much as possible with consequent containment of production costs;

• ergonomics are designed to make handling of the piece easier;

• process connections can adapt to the construction tolerances of the different pieces.

Every need for space and productivity can be satisfied by the different layouts in our product range. Our solutions range from single-chamber benches to semi-automatic assembly lines.

Our test systems include an industrial PC executing the HMI functions, while the simultaneous supervision of the process is performed by a PLC.

Test pressures, rejection thresholds and productivity that our machines can reach may vary according to the technical specifications of the component and the production needs of the User.

  • Dedicated pumping system for the analysis - Total flow
  • Pumping system placed on a cart for easy maintenance
  • Dedicated Electric and Pneumatic cabinet
  • Ventilation and Sound proofing of the pumping system
  • Totally customizable HMI interface
  • Full traceability of the tested component
  • Ready for MES communication 

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