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Quality Management System Software


Quarta EVO is a web-based Quality Management Software based on a Workflow engine for Quality & Compliance to the Industry Standards; it helps you improve efficiency and effectiveness and reduce the costs of non-Quality. Quarta EVO can be integrated with IT systems present in the company (ERP, MES, CAD/PLM and many more!), and is able to collect data in real time, analyze and organize them to automatically create indicators (KPIs) to keep the entire Quality System under control.

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Quality Management System Software
  • Improve your performance: Quarta EVO is the software solution to manage and improve the performance of Quality Management System in companies; built on a powerful Workflow engine.
  • Dashboards and KPIs: The Quarta suite is simple, fluid and intuitive; able to collect data in real time, analyze them, organize them and automatically create a series of indicators that allow you to keep the entire Quality System under control.
  • Integration: An integrated management of Quality generates savings in terms of time and costs, more streamlined complaints, easy collaboration with suppliers and measurement of the same.
  • Everything under control: Quarta EVO allows Quality controls at every stage of the production process: incoming inspection on external supply material and controls following internal processing and on the finished product, with the possibility of acquiring data directly from the measuring machines.
  • Computer Security: Quarta EVO, with its user authentication and authorization system, fully responds to the new and greater security needs, allowing the suite to open and integrate perfectly with the information systems of stakeholders outside the company (customers, suppliers).
  • Quality Certification: Blulink develops standard solutions starting from innovative development frameworks with a specific goal: to create the best integrated software solution for the Quality System.



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