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Senior Product Engineer

Location: Bentivoglio (BO) - Italy

Experience: 5 years

Senior Product Engineer

The position is located in the area dedicated to product development within the Production Engineering department.
The figure will be responsible for the development of new products, from the co-engineering of the prototype to the actual realisation and putting into production, in continuous liaison and collaboration with the dedicated technical departments, managing cycles and technologies for one or more products.
He/she will also be involved in the research and implementation of new production technologies, as well as in the maintenance and optimisation of existing products, with a view to continuous improvement, guaranteeing the achievement of objectives and quality standards.


The profile is addressed to graduates in engineering, preferably mechanical engineering, with product development experience in structured companies.

Basic requirements:

  • knowledge of technical drawing
  • organisational and planning skills
  • knowledge of production and assembly technologies
  • ability to analyse and summarise, creativity, problem solving and decision making
  • ability to work in a team and willingness to engage in dialectic dialogue with colleagues.

Desired characteristics:

  • propensity to work simultaneously on development issues relating to mechanical production processes and technologies
  • propensity for in-depth technical knowledge. Profiles with predictive and logical skills, which are very useful in product development (what if, root cause analysis), are preferable
  • a concrete and dynamic view of problems for a solution within the set timeframe and with the available resources
  • previous experience in the realisation and production of mechanical components
  • autonomy and propensity to achieve objectives

This position is open to candidates of all genders (Italian Law 903/77).


Compensation and benefits
Compensation and benefits will be related to the effective experience of the candidate.

  1. Biographical data
  2. Experience
  3. Skills
Personal data
mandatory field
mandatory field
mandatory field
mandatory field
mandatory field
mandatory field
Permanent address
mandatory field
mandatory field
mandatory field
mandatory field
mandatory field
Elected Domicile (if different from address)
mandatory field
mandatory field
mandatory field
School career
Professional career
IT Skills
Other information

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