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Addetto all’assemblaggio di micromeccanica di precisione

Location: Bentivoglio (BO) - Italy

Experience: 3 years

Precision micromechanical assembly worker

The position, with a temporary contract, is located within the Production Facility in Bentivoglio.
It is vital for us to guarantee customers the technical and functional excellence of the applications we sell, in a market that demands ever higher quality standards.
The role, in the precision parts measurement sector, involves the manual assembly of small or very small mechanical assemblies using specific tools and equipment.
The working environment is permeated by high and innovative technology and high dynamism.

The ideal candidate must have good manual dexterity, be able to read a mechanical drawing and have the ability to relate profitably with all the entities involved in the production process at different levels.
This position is open to candidates of any gender (Italian Law 903/77)

Compensation and benefits
Compensation and benefits will be related to the effective experience of the candidate.

  1. Biographical data
  2. Experience
  3. Skills
Personal data
mandatory field
mandatory field
mandatory field
mandatory field
mandatory field
mandatory field
Permanent address
mandatory field
mandatory field
mandatory field
mandatory field
mandatory field
Elected Domicile (if different from address)
mandatory field
mandatory field
mandatory field
School career
Professional career
IT Skills
Other information

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