Machine Tool world is nowadays characterized by more and more flexible machines, able to keep under control process and information in a smart and efficient way.
The answer from Marposs to this evolution is called BLÚ, which represents a revolutionary concept of networking inside machine tools.
BLÚ – one cable control network – is an innovative system able to connect real time all monitoring sensors inside a machine, using a single cable.
Its modular and extremely compact architecture allows an easy interfacing with any machine layout. As a matter of fact the system is composed by a Master node positioned in the cabinet, and Function nodes placed directly inside the working area and connecting all the sensors. Flexibility, easy installation and maintenance are also key aspects.
Why BLÚ Human Interface?
One additional innovation on layout is represented by the display, which is a 7” capacitive touch screen – a big step forward from previous solutions which had smaller screens with physical buttons.
In order to make navigation and interaction with the system as easy as possible, we designed a completely renovated list of icons. These ones are organized in a clear and intuitive structure, common to all Marposs new generation amplifier, starting from entry-level to high-end solutions.
Views (dashboards) can be standard mono-function or can be completely customized with compound pages including multiple functions, key parameters programming, setup buttons and others. It is also possible to interact with the system using different access levels, depending on the operator's credentials. Data visualization is possible through a Marposs display or can be integrated, entirely or partially, in the machine operator panel.
The access key to the Smart Factory
BLÚ opens the door to what is today defined “Smart Factory” – with the target of providing a more and more optimized and integrated process through the monitoring of key data/parameters acquired from the system.
It is possible to acquire a Big Data amount from all sensors inside the machine. Different data are available for different levels, starting from the operator sitting in front of the machine and monitoring all working parameters in order to keep the process under control, up to maintenance or ERP.
These data can represent “real time” parameters – acquired from sensors and provided with watch points - or can be processed and stored for different types of analysis.
The core of BLÚ System
BLÚ layout is extremely innovative: the system consists of a main unit, the Master Node, that is the core of the system, and it is placed inside the machine cabinet (Dry Area). Starting from here one single cable (MMSB - Marposs Measure Sensor Bus) goes inside the working area (Wet) and connects all the Function Nodes, which are directly connected to the sensors.
This new “chain” structure is way more flexible and customizable if compared to previous approach, that was similar to a star and included multiple long cables - all going from cabinet to the sensors in the working area.
Machine interfacing is made by the Master node and could be through Fieldbus or parallel I/O. Functions Nodes can be connected directly to each other, or through the MMSB cable, depending on the machine layout.
The technological benefit lies in being able to customise the system layout and “tailor” it to the machine layout, but that is not all. Once the system has been defined, more functions can be added: just add one or more Nodes to the chain at a later time.
What are all the benefits of BLÚ?
- BLÚ is quick to install and is intuitive and user-friendly;
- The system is flexible, modular and expandable;
- It ensures mechanical reliability and withstands even harsh environments;
- The human interface is user-friendly and customisable;
- BLÚ is continuously evolving: it can integrate an increasing number of sensor types.
Do you want to find out more?
Discover BLÚ. One Cable Control Network