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Statistical Process Control (SPC) and Quality Control Software


Quick SPC™ is a suite of software products designed to comply with any SPC / Quality Control requirement, ranging from simple measurement acquisitions to complex gauging applications.
Framed in a simple, wizard driven, common user interface it is possible to complement the base product by means of software Add-ons purposely conceived for specialized industry fields.

Statistical Process Control (SPC) and Quality Control Software

Quick SPC software suite for SPC and Quality Control software allows customers to easily create distributed shop-floor data acquisition systems, providing Statistical Process and Quality Control that meet industry standard quality-related guidelines, as defined by present industry requirements.

Quick SPC™ is a native Windows® software for shop floor applications. It is characterized by a flexible software environment, matching current and future metrological and statistical needs: page layouts, short cuts, hot tabs, application templates, reports, customers based statistical evaluations and more.

The suite foresees fully integrated software modules for:

  • data acquisition
  • measurement elaboration
  • statistical analysis
  • machine tool compensation
  • network integration and data storage

Quick SPC™ can be installed on any Windows-compatible PC; in most simple cases, data collection can be simply performed by using keyboard data entry, a USB or serial port. It is provided with a simple yet powerful environment to create guided operator sequences and instructions, using the most common Windows tools: text messages, bitmap, tiff, jpeg, etc., audio and video files, and more.

It  supplies different types of Statistical Analysis, supporting several SPC methods:

  • Statistical Analysis for Process Capability and Machine Capability (i.e real-time and batch analysis])
  • Measurement System Analysis (i.e. Gauge Capability)

A long list of methods is presently supported. Any user, however, can freely program additional methods according to his own needs.

Collected data can be exported in several formats: Q-DAS® qs-Stat®, text (comma / tab delimited, Excel, etc.); other user-specific formats are available upon request. With respect to the Q-DAS® qs-Stat® format  it is fully certified as compliant to AQDEF 4.1, level B.

  • Large range of applications, from simple manual gauging benches to the most complex automatic gauging machines
  • Powerful and versatile, capable of connecting to a variety of analog and digital measuring devices and machine tool CNC's
  • Safe and reliable with checks on programmed data consistency, data backup and restore utilities, multi-level user security access
  • Fully customizable software environment matching any metrological and statistical need, from customer oriented page layouts to customer-based statistical evaluations
  • Easy to use by operators thanks to programmable Guided Sequences that lead them hand-in-hand through the required operations
  • Supported by any Windows-compatible PC running Windows® 7™ or Windows® 10™
  • Q-DAS® qs-Stat® data format compliant, AQDEF 4.1 (level B) certified

Configuration and Programming

  • Spreadsheet programming interface, Microsoft® Explorer®-style user interface, integrated Microsoft® Office Access® database
  • Live measurement display and fully guided operator prompted acquisition sequences using multimedia files (bmp, pcx, jpg, avi, mpg, etc.)
  • Consistency control routine for all configuration and Programming phases

Measurements and Zero Setting

  • Static and digital dynamic measuring cycles. Unlimited number of measuring steps and part programs
  • Fully automatic machine tool control (Feedback) and multiple stations control for assembly applications
  • Zero setting and Min-Max mastering with consecutive, cumulative drift controls and non-zero-band controls

Statistical Process Control

  • Configurable and programmable data evaluation complying with International (ISO), National (DIN, AIAG, CNOMO) and customer guidelines
  • Embedded Q-DAS® statistical package for on-line, variable data analysis (control chart, machine and process capability). qs-STAT® fully compliant data storage

Measuring System Analysis

  • Accuracy, Repeatability, Reproducibility, Linearity, Stability studies complying with International (ISO), National (DIN, AIAG, CNOMO) and customers guidelines
  • Fully programmable prompted acquisition sequences in both blind and full details measure mode
  • Measuring System Analysis traceability by storing each study separately together with all necessary references
  • Data evaluation can be run through Marposs® Measuring System Analysis (MSA) software module (option). Analysis can be seamlessly run through Q-DAS® MSA software package as well

Network and Connectivity

  • An ODBC-compliant structure and qs-STAT® compliant data storage allow interfacing to virtually any network client and data base architecture
  • Support for the most popular industrial Fieldbus environments


  • Serial Driver Programmer connects to virtually any serial device using ASCII based protocols
  • Analog Probes Tuner (APT) to set up sensors assembly when more than one sensor is used to create a measurement
  • Group and Users to define multi-level password access, operator based software modules, displays, short cuts, hot tabs, icons and soft-keys
  • Customizable reporting and printing

Language Versions

  • Change Language module allows to select among the following languages: English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Chinese and Korean
  • Other language versions available on demand
  • On-line manuals in Adobe® Acrobat® format are supplied in every available language

Minimum Hardware requirements

  • Marposs Industrial Computer (model E9066) or any Windows compatible PC
  • Operating System Windows® 10  and Windows® 7 
  • 2GB RAM (recommended minimum 4GB for Windows® 10)
  • 1024x768 XVGA display
  • At least 3GB of free hard disk space

Software Add-Ons

  • Cam Profiles - Camshaft gauging routines to determine the lobes' main characteristic
  • Transmission Components - Double and Single Flank, Noise detection
  • Injection System - Fuel Injection System check through sub-micron technology
  • Glass - Automotive glass gauging routines including best fit elaboration
  • Flexible Measurement Application - 2D Contact and Opto flexible measuring applications


English MANUAL GAUGING - Reference Guide: (13.95MB)
Italian QUICK SPC: (2.32MB)
German QUICK SPC: (1.46MB)
French QUICK SPC: (2.34MB)
Spanish QUICK SPC: (1.46MB)
Japanese MANUAL GAUGING - Reference Guide: (25.51MB)

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