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Compact Gauging Computer


Nemo is an entry-level, compact gauging computer, which is ideal for data collection applications.  With its programming, storage and communication capacity, it is suitable for analyzing and monitoring industrial production.
While it represents a perfect, user friendly solution for manual applications involving small numbers of measurement points, it is capable of supporting complex mathematical formulas, sub-dividing into production batches and collecting data via a company network.
To ensure it’s ease of use, it is supplied with a user interface that makes use of easy-to-read icons and is compatible with the reduced dimensions of the computer itself. In addition the system configuration is based on self-identification on the part of the connected devices.
Nemo may also be used to export files containing the data from an entire production batch or a single measurement cycle to a company network,  meaning that it represents an ideal solution when it is necessary to provide production with the correct type of support.
Compact Gauging Computer

Nemo can be used to manage numerous  part types and define measurement batches in order to simplify production certification and monitoring.

The user interface greatly simplifies system setting, program definition and batch management procedures.

Nemo was specifically designed for manual applications involving small numbers of measurement points and supports all the main Marposs measuring devices, as well as several third party devices, and features USB or Ethernet connection options. 

  • extremely simple to set-up and use
  • production process quality control by exporting single cycles or batches
  • step measurement cycle management
  • manages complex measurement formulas
  • multi-lingual and multi-operator support
  •  optimized for the Marposs Digi CrownTM digital measurement system



Protection rating

IP54 (front panel)

Touch screen

4-wire resistive

LCD Display

5.7” QVGA – 4:3 colours TFT

Storage media


Lan Ethernet

2 x 10/100 Mbps RJ45 connector

USB ports

2 host  + 1 device or 8 host  + 1 device

Serial Ports

1xRS232 (for pedal only)


Tilting type

Power supply

24 VDC -15%/+20%

Relative humidity

5 - 80 % (non condensing)

Operating temperature

5 to 45 °C

Dimensions LxHxD

160x138x33 mm

(6.3’’x5.4’’x 1.3’’)


ARM 400 MHz


Nemo Digi Crown + 2 USB

Integrated Digi Crown network with capacity to connect up to 3 modules directly (1 or 2 channels, 8 I/O, 8 Inputs, Encoder) + 2 USB ports for Easy Box, Bluetooth Dongle, USB Encoder, USB 2 I/O,  USB pedal and RedCrown2 USB connections.

Nemo 2 USB

2 USB ports for Easy Box, Bluetooth Dongle, USB Encoder, USB 2 I/O, USB pedal and RedCrown2 USB connections.

Nemo 8 USB

8 USB ports for Easy Box, Bluetooth Dongle, USB Encoder, USB 2 I/O,  USB pedal and RedCrown2 USB connections.

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Brochure User Manual
English MANUAL GAUGING - Reference Guide: (13.95MB)
NEMO: (408.12kB)
NEMO - software v.1.7: (5.86MB)
NEMO - software v.1.8: (3.42MB)
NEMO - software v.1.9: (3.61MB)
Italian NEMO: (398.18kB)
NEMO - software v.1.8: (3.48MB)
NEMO - software v.1.9: (3.88MB)
NEMO - software v.1.7: (5.88MB)
German NEMO: (601.39kB)
French NEMO: (413.51kB)
Spanish NEMO: (577.17kB)
Japanese MANUAL GAUGING - Reference Guide: (25.51MB)

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