On April 10th, 2013 MARPOSS Mexico inaugurated its new plant in Atizapán, with an open house event, which was attended by a significant number of visitors.
The new plant of 900 sq.mt. has been built in accordance with the most recent construction criteria paying particular attention to the optimization of the working environment. This new plant after 32 years of presence in the Mexican market is also a strong commitment of the Marposs Group in this very important area of the world. Many international customers are investing heavily in this area for the skilled work force associated to their competitive cost.
Marposs Mexico team is totally committed to support all these investments.
In the morning of April 10th the inaugural ceremony was attended by Mr. Edoardo Possati, Vice President of Marposs group with Headquarters top management representatives.
Guests of the ceremony were the local authorities, customers, a delegation of the local Italian Chamber of Commerce as well as personalities from the world of business and finance. After the ceremony, the guests were invited to visit the building and the wide range of Marposs products exhibited in the show room. The morning was concluded with a lunch in a typical mexican restaurant.
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