Marposs S.p.A. has been acknowledged as an "Important Actor" among the "Largest Patent Applicants" in the field of "Advanced Manufacturing" in a most recent document published by the European Commission, page 156.
The "Exchange of good policy practices promoting the industrial uptake and deployment of Key Enabling Technologies" report has been jointly prepared by IDEA (Belgium), ZEW (Germany) and WIFO (Austria) in 2011 - 2012 under the request of the European Commission. This investigation and analysis effort finds place within the initiative firstly outlined in 2009 of "developing a common strategy for key enabling technologies in the EU" and reinforced in a 2012 EU Communication(1) that "underlines the systemic relevance of KETs to the EU's capability to innovate and modernize its industrial base". Thus, the report objective is "to identify a coherent mix of policy measures that support the development of KETs".
Starting from the EU Commission-identified six KETs, namely nanotechnology, micro- and nanoelectronics, industrial biotechnology, photonics, advanced materials and advanced manufacturing systems, the report reviews the policy performance profiles within EU27 and among the leading countries outside the EU. Patent activity is one of the performance indicators.
A link to the EU Commission report is available at the Key Enabling Technologies page of the European Commission web site.
(1) A European strategy for Key Enabling Technologies - A bridge to growth and jobs