Part Inspection and Setup on Glass Working Machines
One of the issues of production environments like glass working machines is represented by scrap parts due to wrong machining. A way to avoid them is knowing how workpieces are fixed on the table (their real position with respect to machine axes) and measure them after the machining. To realize this kind of check, it is necessary for the machine to be equipped with part inspection systems, that is touch probes.
Part inspection identifies measurement operations which are carried out entirely inside the milling machine or machining center, so in the very same conditions in which the cutting takes place.

Part inspection applications perform two check phases: the work-piece set up and part inspection.
Before starting a process on glass, it is compulsory to know exactly the position of the rough piece, its origins and orientation. The lack of such information or its inaccuracy implies the risk of machining the part out of the required tolerances, due to misalignment. In other words, knowing the work-piece set up means significant scrap reduction.
The part inspection allows the dimensional check just after the machining. In this way, the user knows if:
- The part is correct and can proceed to the next process
- The part has higher dimensions than requested, so it requires further machining
- The part was badly machined. The immediate exclusion of a bad part prevents further process on it
- Reduction of working and check times
- Increase of production efficiency
- Real-time determination of part position
- Scrap reduction
- Measurement of workpieces fixed on the machine
Marposs provides a complete offer of part inspection applications to equip every glass working machine and measure parts of different shape.
- Optical transmission touch probes: probes ideal for machines of small and medium dimensions
- Radio transmission touch probes: probes for large machines, working on big parts
In addition, Marposs develops dedicated measurement software for every part inspection application.